Program Management
Promotions, Orientations, Reporting, & DataPromotions
Strong marketing and communication of the employee support program are critical for success. Our approach is to promote the service often, keeping in mind that employees will respond differently to various forms of communication materials. We recognize that there are different ways to connect with employees and make use of a range of approaches. When it comes to program promotion, our goal is to maximize every opportunity to create awareness of the service and increase utilization by making a personal connection with employees. Our experience with clients over the years demonstrates that combining strong communication materials with a personal touch consistently results in a high utilization of the service
We provide a variety of promotional materials at launch and throughout the life of the program. Your account manager will provide these electronic documents to the designated client contacts for distribution to employees to notify them of the service. All materials include information on how to contact the program (phone number, SMS text number, and website access details).
Our standard electronic program awareness materials include:
- Launch letter to announce the service
- One-page service description listing program capabilities and a sampling of topics
- Program announcement suitable for posting in a shared work area or lunch room
- Quarterly topical promotional pieces

Around the time of the initial launch activities, your account manager will work with you to coordinate and deliver employee and manager orientations. The employee presentations provide a thorough understanding of how the employee support program works and allows them to ask questions. The sessions also focus on the practical aspects of the service, as well as the counseling, so that employees are aware of the broad scope of support that is available.
Manager workshops also give managers an understanding of how the program can help support them in their role as a manager. The workshops cover topics such as recognizing the warning signs of stress, how to informally refer an employee to employee support program, how to use the formal management referral process, and how to distinguish between healthy pressure and harmful stress.
The outcome of running these sessions is that usage of the employee support program increases, as employees and managers understand the full scope of the service. Managers also become more proactive in dealing with difficult employee situations, make more referrals, and know how to use the service as a management tool.
Recorded Webinars and Awareness Videos
Not all employees can attend presentations as scheduled, nor do all employees feel comfortable attending orientation sessions regarding the employee support program. Furthermore, family members do not typically have the opportunity to attend onsite orientations. To address this issue, we also provide recorded audio/video webinars, one version for managers and one for employees, located on the website for access at any time. The sessions answer frequently asked questions about the employee support program and provide case studies of successful use of the program for work-life and counseling needs. These recorded orientations are available in English, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Hindi, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, German and Spanish.
We also offer a series of language-specific, short explainer videos based on common themes (resilience, relationships, work-life balance, and success at work). These videos are particularly effective for organizations where employees are not in a traditional office environment, have limited computer access, and have limited time to attend a traditional benefit program overview. The videos allow employees to better understand the wide variety of support the employee support program can provide in a 60-second clip. The videos are currently available in English, French, Spanish, Mandarin, Indonesian, Portuguese, Hindi, Malaysian, Dutch, and German.
b.cares provides clients with quarterly and annual confidential management utilization reports. Your designated account manager will meet with you quarterly to review these reports, analyze data, identify trends, and adapt the program based on results.
Reports include data covering:
- Caller demographics (age, gender, and status)
- Utilization – can be summarized globally, regionally, by country, or by client-defined division
- Issue categories for counseling and work-life cases, with identification of personal and work-related issues
- Web hits and clinical general assistance queries (not counted as utilization)
- Method of contact
- Workplace activities (on-site events including training, crisis support, etc.)
Clients will also have access to our online reporting platform, which provides the opportunity to gain more meaningful insights from collected data. The platform offers real-time access to utilization information, providing an opportunity to monitor and track company data or pull reports at any time. Additionally, specific figures are easily accessible, eliminating the need to scroll through pages of data.
A key feature of our Focus reports is the automatically generated executive summary, which provides a high-level review of the report data in a concise manner. This information is calculated based on the report’s specific date range and provides actual utilization for the timeframe, projected utilization for the entire year, and a comparison to utilization from the same date range in the previous calendar year.
Global Account Management
Our approach to account management ensures ease of program management at the corporate level, with regional/local support readily available worldwide to address local needs. Our model ensures that we deliver the program consistently in all locations around the world, while still adapting to local cultures. With oversight and guidance from your designated global account manager (GAM), we leverage our local resources, allowing each location to have a voice in determining how to present and communicate a culturally relevant model.
The GAM:
- Works with our implementation project manager to ensure that we implement the program in a way that reflects the local business environment and cultural practices
- Supports the ongoing promotion of the program through electronic communications, webinars, and on-site events—offering creative solutions to increase utilization
- Coordinates and oversees requests for critical incident services, training, health or benefit fairs, or promotional events
- Generates, reviews, and provides advice and interpretation of quarterly and annual reports
The GAM serves as your main contact, with primary responsibility for corporate-level interactions. They are supported by a team of regional account managers around the world to provide telephonic or in-person support as needed. This ensures that we have coverage across time zones and geographies to support each location fully. Our account management team is available to provide prompt response to any issues or concerns.